Our showcase night helps support brave Mia’s life saving treatment.

On Saturday 1st April the group performed ‘One Night to Remember’ – the first annual Steve Sowerby Celebratory Showcase Evening, a performance of musical numbers from the group’s past productions and well-known shows, named in honour of former member, Vice-Chairman and Director Steve Sowerby.

As part of the musical celebrations the group used the evening to raise funds for local three-year-old Mia Morgan, who, while many of us were celebrating with family and friends over the Christmas period, was undergoing treatment to remove a brain tumour. Before the New Year, biopsies confirmed it was cancerous. The neurosurgeons were positive they had removed the entire tumour but to make sure Mia needed to go to Jacksonville Florida for proton beam therapy to kill any remaining cancerous cells. This involves Mia having a general anaesthetic every day for 33 days.

Half of the profits from the evening’s admission fee and raffle, as well as donations received from members in lieu of sending cards at Christmas, helped raise £347.79 to assist Mia and her family with the cost of childhood cancer.

We would like to thank all who contributed.


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