Work being undertaken at the Chapel

It has been a busy few months at the Bannister Chapel in Shuttlewood, the group’s largest asset and the location for scenery construction and storage for props and costumes.

Chapel Toilet

Renovations to the toilet area in the Bannister Chapel


As part of our ongoing programme of maintenance, repairs and improvements the toilet and kitchen areas have been decorated and a new room created to enable our props to be stored and catalogued.

Chapel Kitchen

Renovations to the kitchen area in the Bannister Chapel


While our members try to do as much as they can, if you (or someone you know) would be willing to provide expertise, time, equipment or materials to assist us with this project please contact the group.  We would be willing to display your name or the name of your company as part of our Front of House display, programmes and publicity communications for our subsequent productions as a thank you.


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