All change for our management team

Our AGM in July 2011 saw a big change to the membership of our management team as Secretary Janet Atkinson and Treasurer Chris Booth stepped down from their positions.  Both Janet and Chris have held their roles of Secretary and Treasurer for over 20 years, over which time the group has flourished from a group which produced one or two productions a year, to now producing four shows, plus variety evenings and social events, with a large adult and youth membership.

The consistency of the management team has been one of the key factors in our success, and it is thanks to the tireless efforts of Chris and Janet over the last two decades, and beyond, that the group is in the strong position it is in today and is able to celebrate reaching the thirty-year milestone.

The group would like to express its gratitude to Chris and Janet, and welcome Wendy Blunt and Lisa Brunt into the roles of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


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