Volunteers help clear and organise costumes

Over the course of two weekends in March members of the group gave up their Saturdays to sort and catalogue the vast number of costumes the group had acquired during its 29 year existence. While a large costume collection can be beneficial to an amateur theatre group, our collection had grown too large for its storage area.

After sifting through the costumes we ended up with a number of items that we had forgotten about, which we catalogued for future use, and some which we felt we would never use again or had unfortunately fallen victim to time and damp, which we decided to remove from the Chapel.

This event followed on from a similar exercise last summer where old scenery, rubble and weeds were cleared from the chapel and its surrounding area – both activities have allowed us to clear space for work within the chapel, and also allow us to tidy up items we do need to keep. It’s not an easy job as the chapel is in use all year round constructing scenery for the current production, but we try and fit as many tasks into what time is available!

We will also be looking to invest some of the money we have raised so far by replacing damaged window frames, while continuing to look for funding for larger restoration tasks. If you are able to assist us in any way, from informing us of avenues of fundraising to offering your services please speak to a member of the front of house team or email chapel@bolsoverdramagroup.org


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