The lights shine bright as Phil clocks up his half-century

Lighting Director, Phil Clark

Lighting Director, Phil Clark

The 2009 production of ‘Murdered to Death’ marked the fiftieth production with Bolsover Drama Group for our Lighting Director, Philip Clark.

Light and sound can add an extra dimension to performances, enhancing the scene already being played out on stage.  Phil has given his dedication to what is sometimes a thankless task for many years, giving up his time to rig lights, set-up sound and programme the technical equipment so that the actors can be seen and heard on stage.

The technical crew is an integral part of any production, but there cannot be many amateur dramatics groups who are able to call upon such a reliable and experienced person as Phil, who manages to fit Bolsover Drama Group’s productions in alongside playing in a local band and his day job!

Over the past few years Phil has also become involved in helping the group to transfer skills and knowledge to its younger members.  Kirsty, who works alongside Phil as Sound Director, became involved with the technical crew whilst part of the group’s youth section, and is now using the skills she has learnt by working with Phil as a basis of her college studies.

On behalf of the entire group we would like to thank Phil for all his hard work over the past fifty productions, and hope that he continues to enjoy working alongside us for many more productions in the future.


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